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A Guide To Properly Cleaning And Sanitizing Your Anal Toys
22 March 2024

When it comes to anal play, safety and hygiene are essential. Properly cleaning and sanitizing your anal toys, like butt plugs, is crucial to prevent infections and ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to effectively clean and sanitize your anal t

Why Are Closed-ended Masturbators A Popular Choice Among Men Looking for Discreet Pleasure?
08 March 2024

Are you a man seeking discreet pleasure? If so, you're not alone. Closed-ended masturbators have become a popular choice among men looking for a private and convenient way to experience intense pleasure. In this blog post, we'll delve into why these sex toys have captured the attention and admiratio

What Are The Different Types of Clitoris Vibrators Available on The Market?
05 March 2024

Welcome, lovely readers, to a delightful dive into the wonderful world of clitoris vibrators! With the growing popularity of these buzzing beauties in the sex toy market, it's no wonder there are a variety of options to choose from. In this blog post, we'll explore the different types of clitoris vi

How To Have Tantric Sex Slowly And Consistently
05 December 2023

Slow and steady wins the race.There may come a time in your life when you simply want to slow down, breathe, and appreciate the small things. If you're weary of the same old 'pump and dump' routine in the bedroom, tantric sex may be just what you're searching for. You may have heard about it and

What Exactly Is Anal Fingering?
05 December 2023

Anal Fingering 101: Do's and Don'ts, as well as the Best Techniques Against an Anal VibratorWhat exactly is Anal Fingering? Anal fingering is not dissimilar to vaginal fingering. It's a push-in, pull-out motion, only slower and more deliberately because the anus is more sensitive and prone to harm

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