What Is A Clitoral Suction Vibrator?
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What Is A Clitoral Suction Vibrator?

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What Is A Clitoral Suction Vibrator?

Have you ever heard of the vibrator that simulates oral sex? Clit sucker, suction vibrator, clitoral vacuum stimulator, whatever you want to call them, they're popular, but there's some misconception about how they operate. Steph from VUSH will explain all you need to know about clitoral suction vibrators.

What Exactly Is A Clioral Suction Vibrator?

A clitoral suction vibrator is a type of sex toy that is created exclusively for the clitoris. It uses vacuum suction or air pulse technology to convey feeling waves to the clit without actually touching it. This is in contrast to most other clitoral toys, which vibrate directly against the clit. Suction vibrators work by forming a seal around the clitoral glans, which is the clit's external nub. (For more information on clitoral anatomy, see our blog about Helen O'Connell's discovery of the clitoris.) To summarize, think less direct vibration and more air sensation.

Empress 2 Clitoral Vacuum Vibrator is a best-seller at VUSH, so let's find out why.

Why Would You Use A Clitoral Stimulator?

1. Climatic Stimulation

While many people concentrate on the vagina or internal genitalia during sex and self-pleasure, the clitoris is the place to be. The clit is the only body part that is solely intended for pleasure! Its sensitivity exceeds that of the vagina, penis, or anus. External toys like clitoral suction vibrators are ideal for stimulating that incredibly delightful region that is often overlooked - the clitoris. Clitoral stimulation is frequently the quickest and easiest way for a vulva to orgasm.

2. Distinctive Pulse Sensation

Many people love the sensation that a clitoral vacuum produces when compared to other vibrators. Rather than forceful vibrations, it feels like exquisite waves of pleasure. People frequently don't know how to describe the sensation; they just know they like it and that it's unlike any other toy they've ever used. You can definitely tell the difference.

3. Minor & Subtle

Clitoral suction vibrators are discreet enough that a first-time sex toy purchaser will not be put off. It's not always clear that they're a sex toy! After all, some of them do resemble vacuum cleaners. The majority of them are small enough to be included in coupled sex.

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What Is A Clitoral Suction Vibrator?

Because it is so different from other vibrators, a suction vibrator can take some getting used to. Take your time and don't give up if it doesn't seem right the first time - it'll be worth the wait. Here are some pointers to get you started:

1. Set the tone

Sex begins in the brain. Remove any stressors from your mind and commit to your enjoyment (we know, more said than done). You can get there by focusing on your breath or monitoring how your body feels. Attempt sexual affirmations like "I deserve to feel good" or "I devote time to my pleasure." Clean your room, light a candle, and create a sensual environment in which you can feel safe.

2. Incorporate Some Foreplay

Foreplay isn't just for partners and deep sex. Touch your neck, chest, hips, and thighs to explore the numerous erogenous zones on your body. Start with your hands when you're ready to go down to where the magic happens. Before using a toy on the clitoris, always touch the entire vaginal area yourself. Make fun of yourself!

3. Apply Lube

Extend the foreplay by applying lubrication to the entire genitalia, focusing on the clitoris. This step must not be overlooked! Lube is a self-indulgent necessity, even for external gadgets. Lube, in particular, enhances clitoral suction feelings by making the thought of simulating oral sex feel more lifelike. Lubrication will undoubtedly improve your solo play!

4. Begin slowly and gradually.

Begin with the lowest setting and observe how it feels before increasing the intensity or experimenting with different modes. The beauty of clitoral suction vibes is that they are subtle and indirect. You don't need to apply hard pressure because of the seal the toy makes on the clit. Allow yourself some time to experience the sensations. Higher speeds imply faster vibrations, yet the faster the setting, the less suction-like the vibrations feel. To feel the wonderful vibrations, be patient and focus on relaxing your entire body.

5. Modify the settings

Get a feel for the various settings as you grow more familiar with the toy and confident using the controls. Many clitoral stimulators have numerous functions, including (+) and (-) buttons for adjusting the level or changing the mode. There's guaranteed to be something you like in VUSH's Clitoral Vacuum Vibrator's 40 personalized pleasure settings with continuous suction vibrations and varied pattern modes.

6. Investigate Pressure, Positions, and Parts

Don't forget to modify your positioning in addition to the toy's settings! Lie on your back with your legs open, or flip over to your stomach. You can also change the toy's pressure according on how you hold it (remember to try it slightly farther away from the clit to establish that seal). You can even angle it on its side if your clitoris is more responsive on one side vs the other. Use your waterproof toy in the bath or shower! Remember that while clitoral suckers are intended for the clitoris, they can also be used on other body parts such as the nipples.

7. Enlist the Help of a Partner

Don't keep the enjoyment to yourself; invite a friend! Because they do not interfere with penetrative sex, small, handheld clitoral vibrators are ideal for partnered use. During reciprocal masturbation, clitoral vacuums can also be used. If your partner has a vulva, why not acquire one for yourself? Alternatively, the vibrator can be used on the clit while a partner uses their hands, mouth, or genitals to please the remainder of the vulva, vagina, and anus. For more information on paired sex toy play, see our guide to introducing sex toys into coupled sex.

8. Unwind And Have Fun

We have no doubt that if you get into the habit of utilizing your new toy, you'll begin to feel very wonderful very quickly. If you feel an orgasm coming on, relax and let it happen. Alternatively, consider edging, which is a method in which you reduce the intensity before climax to prolong the finish, then increase it when you're ready to orgasm. A vibrator's many speeds and patterns make this process easier because you can go down a level or switch to a patterned mode to extend your solo play, then increase the pleasure settings when you're ready to orgasm.

Don't worry if you don't feel like you're going to finish - masturbation and sex don't necessarily have to end in orgasm! Pleasure and orgasm are not always synonymous and might exist in isolation. If it feels fantastic and makes you hot and heavy (or rested and relaxed), it's doing its job.

9. Rinse and Repetition

The final step in the self-satisfaction procedure is to clean your toys so you may do it all over again as soon as possible. Many suction vibrators are constructed of silicone and should be cleaned with warm water and a mild soap or sex toy cleaning. When cleaning the head of a vacuum vibrator, use caution since if the product is not completely waterproof, this could interfere with the toy's mechanics. Read our cleaning sex toys guide for additional information on how to clean a vibrator.

VUSH Clean Queen Intimate Toy Spray in hand on VUSH Rose 2 Bullet Vibrator

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